(Click here to view images from previous musicals)
Transition Year is a one year programme between Junior and Senior Cycle. It is designed to act as a bridge between the two, facilitating the smooth transition from the more dependent learning of the Junior Cycle to the more independent self-directed learning required for Senior Cycle.
The aims of the programme are three fold:
- Education for MATURITY with emphasis on social awareness & increased social competence
- Education through experience of ADULT & WORKING LIFE as a basis for personal development & maturity
- Promotion of general, technical and academic SKILLS with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
The outline programme of activity is below and full details can be viewed in this presentation.
Transition Year Programme
Each student has classes in the following:
Calendar Items
- Work Experience/Community Service
- Visiting Speakers
- Significant Learning Days
- Field Trips
- Excursions
- Retreats
TY Specific
- Cookery
- Meals on Wheels
- First Aid
- Pottery
- GCSE PE, Mini-Company, Junk Kouture
- Development Education
- Science Club
- Outdoor Pursuits
- Social & Cultural Module
- Log on, Learn
- Driver Education
Subject Choices
- Sciences - Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- History
- Geography
- Classical Studies
- Music
- Accounting, Business, Economics
- Art
- Mandarin Chinese
- Religious Education
- Irish
- English
- Mathematics
- PE
- French, Spanish
- MOS (Microsoft Online Specialist)
- Wellbeing
Other extra-curricular activities in Transition Year include:
- TY Musical
- Cultural Trips - China and Europe
- American Exchange
- Language Exchange Programmes
- Public Access to Law