Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words

Protocols for Remote T&L

Protocols for Remote T&L

Student Protocols for On-line Teaching and Learning 2020/2021

General information:

Both Teams and Zoom will be used by staff in HCK.

Only official HCK email to be used for communicating with staff.

Students are expected to adhere to the school’s Code of Behaviour, including our Anti-Bullying Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and Mobile Phone Policy.

  1. Best practice is that you have a desk/workplace away from all noise/distractions.

  2. A plain background is preferable.

  3. Every student should be up, dressed (not in PJs) and present for registration at 8:45am.

  4. Students must be appropriately dressed. The hood from a ‘hoodie’ is not allowed to be worn up; the teacher must be able to see the students face.

  5. Student’s video/camera should be on all the time. If this is not possible due to poor WiFi, an email from the student’s parent/guardian is expected.

  6. No student is allowed mute/unmute another student.

  7. No recording of classes is allowed.

  8. No student is allowed to take screen shots or photos of others.

  9. Students are not allowed text one another during class.


  11. Students should participate fully with the teacher and other members of her class.

  12. Students’ daily timetable will be followed unless you are contacted and told otherwise.

  13. will be taken on VSware for each class.
    If a student is unwell, parents need to email reception as per school rules. Ashlyn/Linda will mark the student as Absent Explained on VSware to let staff know.

  14. No pets allowed in Zoom/Teams classes.

  15. Should a student need to leave the class she must ask the teacher’s permission, not simply ‘walk away’.

  16. Work is to be typed and submitted on time. Photos of handwritten work is only acceptable with permission from the teacher. Late work/work not submitted on time will have points deducted on VSware.

  17. All work should be backed up on OneDrive.

  18. If a student has an IT issue with her device she should email Crona csmith@holychildkilliney.ie

  19. Students should be familiar with the ‘Three before me’ concept and apply this when engaging in online learning. If a query arises – ‘Three before me’ consists of
  • Reread all instructions previously given by the class teacher
  • Ask another individual in the class
  • Post the question onto the Team page to allow other members of the class to respond.

    Only after exhausting ‘Three before me’ should a student contact their teacher directly if they are having difficulty with any aspect of their subject or if they are finding the workload unmanageable.
  1. Teachers will try to communicate online during normal working hours and will endeavour not to communicate with students outside of these hours. However, teachers may have to send material/assignments outside of regular school opening hours. In this instance there is no expectation on the student to respond or begin work at the time it is received. Likewise, there is never an expectation on the teacher to have to correct or comment on work sent on outside of normal school hours. Whilst it might suit teachers and students to communicate outside of normal working hours, it is essential that everyone agrees that responses or actions outside of normal working hours are not required.

  2. Parents /Guardians should:
  • Ensure that their daughter is checking in regularly for assigned work.
  • Ensure that, when real time classes are taking place, their daughter is on time.
  • Ensure that online classes are viewed by their daughter only.
  • If a parent wishes to talk to a teacher, email and or a follow-up phone call is acceptable. It is not appropriate for a parent to interrupt a class.
  1. If any of the protocols above are not followed, points will be deducted on VSware.

Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2024 Holy Child Killiney