Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words
Aug 19
1st Year Sports Camp
Aug 20
1st Year iPad Training and Induction
Aug 20
Leadership Meeting
Oh what a night!
Welcome to Holy Child Killiney
As Principal of Holy Child Killiney it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our website. The school's mission statement states that we are committed to “academic challenge and the joy of learning” as espoused by the founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Cornelia Connelly. (1809-1879)

We would be delighted to answer any questions you have and invite you to come and meet with us on our open evening or any other time that suits you.
Principal: Caroline O'Brien
Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2024 Holy Child Killiney