Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words

Pastoral Care

“All Pastoral care has a teaching element and all teaching has a caring element”

The pastoral care system of Holy Child Killiney is based on the understanding that all teachers become involved in the total welfare of the students. We operate a positive learning environment, which is based on mutual respect and encourages students to develop to their full potential spiritually, academically and socially. This system requires a clear understanding of the role of the Form Teacher and Year Head. Both the Principal and Deputy Principal give witness to our Pastoral Care structure by supporting staff and students in developing school community.


The role of each teacher in the school is to encourage, motivate and generate interest using well-prepared class materials/work appropriate to the level of ability and achievement possibilities of the class group. The importance of developing a good relationship with each student must be recognised. Positive encouragement of all students is strongly recommended as it helps to provide an environment more conducive to learning than misbehaviour.


Roles and Responsibilities

Leading Learning & Teaching

  • To teach their class where possible, so that teacher and students get to know one another well, especially in First Year.
  • To be the first point of contact for each student in the Form Class each morning. To take registration at least 4 times per week (8:45am), but to be on the premises when the Prefect is taking it on Fridays.
  • To praise and reinforce student effort and achievement.
  • To work as part of a tutor team under the direction of the Year Head with Student Support as the principal goal.
  • To refer students experiencing difficulties to the SEN Co-ordinator, Guidance Counsellor, Year Head or Deputy Principal where appropriate.
  • To monitor general student performance and act as an advocate for the students in the tutor group.
  • To liaise with subject teachers regarding individual students, particularly students experiencing difficulty at home or in school.
  • To attend information evenings and ceremonies for parents, where possible.

Managing the Organisation

  • To ensure that all students are wearing the correct uniform in a neat and tidy manner and enter any breaches of the uniform code on VSware.
  • To implement all agreed policies, procedures and systems pertinent to Student Support within the school.
  • To instruct the class on the procedure for fire drills.
  • To provide regular feedback to the Year Head of the students in their Tutor Group and participate in meetings with parents where required.
  • To maintain a record of all meetings/discussions/phone calls with parents, using the Parent Teacher Consultation Form. A copy should be given to the Year Head for filing.
  • To be responsible for registration procedures and other daily routines. This includes responsibility to check and monitor student attendance/punctuality and to take appropriate steps to note and respond to concerns. Explain or reiterate the process for morning registration, signing in/out of school.
  • To distribute information, notes and forms where necessary.
  • To compile and co-ordinate academic reports, to include correction where necessary.
  • Write a Form Tutor comment at the end of each girl’s report at Christmas and in the Summer.
  • Ensure that all the subjects are included on each girl’s report.
  • Record and update a list of each girl’s interests, achievements, etc. both within and outside of school – Profile of Achievement (and to facilitate the writing of references in later years).
  • Prepare a homework timetable – 1st -3rd Years.

Leading School Development

  • To encourage and set the highest possible standards for all students in the Tutor Group.
  • Promote and support the vision of the school amongst the students.

Developing Leadership Capacity

  • Oversee the election of Class Officers and Student Council Reps.
  • Foster positive relationships with other Form Tutors, Year Heads and Deputy Principal where necessary
  • To provide general pastoral care, guidance and support for all students in the Tutor Group.
  • Engender a spirit of active participation within the tutor group to participate in student voice initiatives, leadership opportunities and extra-curricular activities as they arise.

Quick overview of the Form Tutor Role in



The Year Head’s primary task is to oversee the wellbeing of the year group on behalf of the school community. Year Heads are part of the Leadership Team of the school and specifically have a clear leadership role in relation to their year group. The Year Head with subject teachers, Form Tutors, School Chaplain and Guidance Counsellors supports students and parents.

Roles and Responsibilities

Leading Learning & Teaching

  • To teach students in their Year Group (s) where possible, so that Year Head and students get to know one another well.
  • In the absence of the Form Tutor, the Year Head will be the first point of contact for each student in the Form Class each morning.
  • To be a regular presence to the Year Group.
  • To praise and reinforce student effort and achievement.
  • To lead Form Tutor meetings.
  • To contribute to weekly Student Support meetings.
  • To refer students experiencing difficulties to the SEN Co-ordinator, Guidance Counsellor or Deputy Principal where appropriate.
  • To coordinate the implementation the SPHE programme.
  • To monitor general academic/personal behaviour of the Year Group(s).
  • To liaise with Form Tutors and subject teachers regarding individual students, particularly students experiencing difficulty at home or in school.
  • To attend information evenings and ceremonies for parents, where possible.

Managing the Organisation

  • To support the work of the Form Tutor in ensuring that all students are wearing the correct uniform in a neat and tidy manner and enter any breaches of the uniform code on VSware.
  • To implement all agreed policies, procedures and systems pertinent to Student Support within the school.
  • To maintain a record of all meetings/discussions/phone calls with parents.
  • To oversee registration procedures and other daily routines. This includes responsibility to check and monitor pupil attendance/punctuality and to take appropriate steps to note and respond to concerns. Explain or reiterate the process for morning registration, signing in/out of school as necessary.
  • As appropriate, to distribute information, notes, forms via assemblies and Teams where necessary.
  • To read and edit academic reports including correction where necessary.
  • To organise and hold Year Group assemblies as necessary.
  • To celebrate each girl’s interests, achievements, etc. both within and outside of school – Profile of Achievement (and to facilitate the writing of references in later years).

Leading School Development

  • To set and encourage the highest possible standards for all pupils in the Year Group.
  • Promote and support the vision and ethos of the school with the Form Tutors and amongst the students.
  • To regularly evaluate the Year Head/Form Tutor team, programmes used and student activities using the SSE 6-Step process.
  • Attend Parent Information Evenings (as appropriate) and P-T meetings.

Developing Leadership Capacity

  • Be reflective of their own professional practice.
  • Be current in relation to personal CPD and that of the Form Tutors, in their capacity as same.
  • To be familiar with and aware of evolving and changing curricula and assessment procedures (post Covid in particular).
  • Foster positive relationships with other Form Tutors, Year Heads and Deputy Principal where necessary.
  • Build professional Networks (SHCJ conference/Le Chéile/potential NAPD in-service for AP1).
  • Support the Form Tutor in her/his role.
  • Oversee the election of Class Officers and Student Council Reps.
  • To provide general pastoral care, guidance and support for all students in the Year Group (s).
  • Engender a spirit of active participation within the Year Group(s) to participate in student voice initiatives, leadership opportunities and extra-curricular activities as they arise.

Quick overview of the Year Head Role in


Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2025 Holy Child Killiney