Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels

You must not hide the gifts that God has given, but use them in His service". Cornelia Connelly

Meals on Wheels is a hugely enjoyable outreach undertaken by Fourth Year students each Tuesday morning of the year, in school time and during the breaks.

HCK students work enthusiastically alongside the wonderful chefs and volunteer teams in Blackrock, Dun Laoghaire, Shankill and Bray. Each Tuesday over 400 dinners are prepared and delivered locally to older people, supporting them living at home.

Meals on Wheels dishes usually involve meat/fish, vegetables and potatoes, accompanied by some variation of custard and cake dessert. Under the guidance of the trained chef our girls receive some basic training in HACCP food safety management system.

HCK girls patiently peel and chop vegetables, stir large saucepans of custard, label food containers, and wash countless pots and pans, whilst enjoying the excellent company of good humoured volunteers who are such inspiring examples of unselfish generosity.

The girls also learn that many older people can be incredibly vulnerable and they need to be supported. Whether it's in the form of preparing a hot meal, or hearing about the the 5-minute chats at the door when delivering the meal, it all helps our students grow in understanding that volunteering your time in this way is truly invaluable.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly, or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. 2 Cor. 9:7

Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2025 Holy Child Killiney