Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words

House System

Cornelian Characteristics

Holy Child Killiney is a unique school community founded in 1947 by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. The founding ethos and educational legacy of Cornelia Connelly is one that nurtures the whole person and prepares students for the world.

Drawing on her contemplation of the Child Jesus with his mother, Cornelia fostered — a joyful Christian ethos rooted in trust and respect: Courage and perseverance were qualities that Cornelia displayed in abundance, and her compassionate and generous nature was rooted in a deep sense of gratitude to God for everything in life.

"Be like the Holy Child Jesus in your thoughts, your words, your actions" Cornelia Connelly

Cornelian Celebration Days

Opening and Mass of Blessing in Holy Child Killiney
15th September (1947)

School Mass and Picnic

Founding Day—celebration of the first Mass of the
Society of the Holy Child Jesus, SHCJ.
15th October (1846)

School Assembly, Charity Fundraiser - Faith in Action

Cornelia Connelly’s Birthday
15th January (1809)

School Assembly, Birthday Celebrations,
Cornelia Connelly Awards.

Cornelia Connelly’s Anniversary
18th April (1879)

School Assembly, House Talent Show Final

Sports Day - May

Inter-House Competitions, Connelly Points System,
House Awards



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Cornelia House

Trust and Gratitude

House Patron

Cornelia Connelly

Trust :

To trust someone is to firmly believe in their ability, and their reliability; to trust a person is to have confidence and be assured that they will work well and reach their potential. Holy Child staff and students thrive in a school atmosphere of trust and openness, secure in the fact that their unique gifts and skills are valued and trusted in the common endeavour of a Cornelian education. Students are encouraged to be honest and authentic in the way they conduct themselves; this spirit of trust and integrity leads to excellence in all aspects of school life.

From Scripture: " 'Teacher', they said, 'we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren't swayed by others' ". Matthew 22:16

From Cornelia: “Be yourself, only let that self be all that God wants it to be.”


Gratitude is a characteristic that springs out of a natural awareness of our own good fortune. In today's world people can often feel a sense of entitlement; in fact
everything we have is a gift. Here in Holy Child we foster a spirit of appreciation, and encourage the students to express gratitude for the resources, opportunities and people we are gifted with.

From Scripture: "Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly…… singing to God with gratitude in your hearts". Colossians 3:16

From Cornelia: “Continue to praise, love and thank God, and offer yourself to Him.”


Hazel Lavery


Clara O'Mahony

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Madeleine House

Generosity and Compassion

House Patron

Sr. Madeleine Mulrennan
(Principal 1968 —1976 )


A Holy Child girl is encouraged to develop an awareness of what needs to be done, and a readiness to help others. In today's culture this selflessness is a balance to the focus on 'I' and 'me'. The ethos of Holy Child challenges the pupils to be practical, to become involved, to make a difference.

Many and varied opportunities are available to the students to meet the challenge of building God's Kingdom through acts of generosity, charitable initiatives and chances to be of service to God and others, to put faith into action.

From Scripture: "Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver". 2 Cor 9:7

From Cornelia: “Generosity, generosity, generosity must be the beginning and ending of life.”


The quality of compassion underpins kindness and thoughtfulness; it is a love which inspires the heart to reach out to others, to feel what they feel, to sincerely empathise and act to ease their suffering. Compassion is merciful; it is not conditioned by a person's background or past failings; compassion is freely given, and springs out of a deeply sympathetic pity and concern for other people.

We encourage our pupils to be compassionate people, to become involved in small and bigger ways, to be active and proactive, to be alert to local and national situations and use their talents and resources to build a better world.

From Scripture: "I the Lord am a God who is full of compassion and pity, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness". Exodus 34:6-7

From Cornelia: “We may often, by a little word, help others out of years of trouble.”


Ella Morris


Penelope Smith-Tennyson

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Geraldine House

Joy and Courage

House Patron

Sr. Geraldine MacCarthy
(Principal 1976—1983)


Many people comment on the happy and joyful atmosphere which is evident in Holy Child Killiney. Joy and happiness comes from a deep rooted belief that we are loved, that we are truly valued for who we are as a child of God, not for what we have or what we can do. Our joy is expressed, not only in smiles and laughter, but also in our openness and optimism in relating to one another. This warm connectedness with other people is experienced by students and staff, building trusting and affirming relationships in our school community.

From Scripture: "If you keep my commands you will
remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's
commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you." John 15:10-12

From Cornelia: “Sustain a bright and joyful spirit.”


Cornelia was described as a 'bold' woman, one who knew her own mind and had the courage of her convictions. Holy Child Killiney girls are encouraged to be courageous, to challenge injustice, to speak up for what is right and to face the consequences of doing so. We all face difficult times on the journey of life; Killiney is a school which fosters
resilience and inspires a courageous outlook on life. We are a caring school community with strong pastoral care, and this gives us the support and strength to negotiate difficult times.

From Scripture: "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong". 1Cor. 6:13

From Cornelia: “What one is called to do, she is called to do with all her might.”


Grace Mongey


Orla Casey

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Hilary House

Perseverance and Respect

House Patron

Sr. Mary Hilary Daly
(Principal 1983—1996)


Perseverance is steady persistence in a task or action; it is doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Perseverance is an essential quality which facilitates building resilience, and helps us negotiate the road of life with all its twists and turns, hills and hollows. In Holy Child we foster a nurturing atmosphere where each girl can be secure in her individuality, embrace the unique person that she is, and be true to herself. This sense of well-being is a key aspect to developing skills in perseverance and resilience, to never give up.

From Scripture: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart or give up". Galatians 6:9

From Cornelia: “Remember, it is not sufficient to have begun well; you must also persevere with courage, and finish with resolution.”


Respect is due to each person, regardless of position or age, race or religion, because each one of us is created by God. In Holy Child Killiney a sense of respect is fostered in each person; we are a welcoming and diverse community who are interested in each other, who share each other's interests and beliefs, and listen to other's opinions. Unity in diversity, being in harmony with and respecting those around us - be they at home, in school or in work- facilitates an atmosphere where we can all be ourselves, excel in our our giftedness and fulfil our human destiny.

From Scripture: "A good name is more desirable than great wealth; respect is better than silver or gold". Proverbs 22:1

From Cornelia: “Lead the pupils by love rather than fear, and all must show respect for one another.”


Olivia Sutton


Aoife O'Donovan

Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2025 Holy Child Killiney