Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words



HCKSpeaks Public Speaking and Debating society

The ability to stand in front of a group of people and effectively communicate an idea or a belief is an essential life skill. We believe it is important for young women to develop the confidence and skills to speak in front of others in school and further afield .

Debating builds resourcefulness and helps students to develop essential communication skills. Students are prepared for competitions with a range of confidence and communication building exercises, speech-writing and weekly debates.

Participating in debating and public speaking develops critical thinkers, thoughtful and more informed students. Junior debaters participate in the Matheson Junior National Mace debates and the UCD Junior schools competition. Participation in the UCD Women’s Federation Public Speaking Competition and the International Competition for Young Debaters (ICYD), which has its finals day in Oxbridge is also encouraged.


Senior speakers participate in the L&H Debating competition, the PhilSpeaks ProAm, the Hist Girls Debating Mace, the Matheson Senior Mace competition, Cambridge Schools, Oxford Schools and the European Youth Parliament (EYP). Chamber debates are held to showcase skills to families and friends. Trips are organised to Trinity College Dublin to watch the best college level debaters in action.

The HCKSpeaks Public Speaking and debating society meets once a week on a Monday afternoon..

If you are interested in taking part, please come along or email debating@holychildkilliney.ie for more information.


Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2025 Holy Child Killiney