Holy Child Killiney
Actions Not Words

Phase Two: STEM, Hockey & Accessibility

Phase Two: STEM, Hockey & Accessibility

Phase Two – Stage One: STEM, Hockey and Accessibility

Stage One of Phase Two of our Development, which commenced construction last year, focussed on STEM, Hockey and improving accessibility; here is why:

STEM: Women and girls are underrepresented in STEM studies and careers. In addition, changes are taking place in the way that STEM is taught and learned. We have to change as education changes. We want to use this opportunity to encourage our students to blaze the trail of women in the science sector by nurturing interest from the very beginning. It is our role as educators to give our students a modern learning environment that will embrace the changes that are happening in this sector. Our new STEM Classrooms will promote team work, critical thinking, enterprise and creativity. Our students will be supported in developing their interest in an expanding field of inquiry with confidence and competence.

Hockey: Our pitch was 17 years old and wear and tear meant it was no longer fit for purpose. Reduction of the pile meant the ball could not move quickly. The surface was slippery which limited the speed of the player and neither could it be used in the rain. These factors inhibited the development of key skills that improve the game. We wanted to give our students the best facilities to enable keen players and encourage not so keen. As part of this phase, we have now installed a new sand-based hockey pitch, with new shock pads fitted and a deeper run off at the end of the pitch. This provides a different playing experience and is in keeping with the high standard of coaching our players receive and the high standard of play they are capable of.

Accessibility: We have, for the first time in the history of HCK, installed lifts to make the school more accessible to students and staff who have physical disabilities. As well as it being way overdue, this is very much in keeping with our ethos of inclusivity and diversity and reflects the emphasis we put on our social action and citizenship programme.

Stage Two

Demand for Home Economics (H.E.) as a subject in HCK, has outstripped our ability to deliver it with our current facilities. We will be developing a new H.E. Suite to include a new design room and kitchen facilities. We need more space so that students can work in smaller groups, maximising learning. We require computer access in our H.E. facility. We want to make sure that every student who wishes to study H.E. can do so. Home Economics not only offers a pathway into the creative industries in Ireland but also meaningful opportunities for personal development and expression. We will also be delivering a new Art Room to offer a modern, bright environment that stimulates creativity and pride in this subject.

If you would like further details of how to get involved in Building Our Future please contact Melissa Harrison at mharrison@holychildkilliney.ieor 086 604 2849.

Military Road, Killiney, Co. Dublin
01 2823120
Le Cheile
© 2025 Holy Child Killiney